Photovoltaic cable is an electron beam cross-linked cable with a rated temperature of 120 ℃. It is a material that is cross-linked by radiation and has high mechanical strength. The cross-linking process changes the chemical structure of polymers, converting meltable thermoplastic materials into non meltable elastic materials. Crosslinking radiation significantly improves the thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties of cable insulation materials, making them resistant to harsh weather environments and mechanical impacts in their respective equipment. According to the international standard IEC216, the service life of photovoltaic cables produced by our company in outdoor environments is 8 times that of rubber cables and 32 times that of PVC cables. These cables and components not only have good weather resistance, UV resistance, and ozone erosion resistance, but also can withstand a wider range of temperature changes: from -40 ℃ to 125 ℃.